MEET the inventory
Jimmy Eberly
With 40 years of professional painting experience, Jimmy's deep passion for his craft and unwavering commitment to innovation led him to create a game-changing solution for painters.
Fueled by his own frustrations with the existing products on the market, Jimmy meticulously designed the Bucket Buddy Clip® to securely attach paint buckets to a painter’s belt, keeping the bucket secure and within easy reach. The result is a hands-free, spill-proof tool that promotes safety and efficiency.
Jimmy’s appreciation for the craft runs deep
At this stage of my life I am able to be a little reflective about my life's journey. It dawned on me when I viewed my mom painting before I was me. When I was 14, my dad gave me a project at the farm: paint the side of the house. It was a sweltering summer day in Virginia, and I hated painting at the time. Little did I know, that would become my career (closing in on 40 years, and surpassing 70,000 hrs in the trade).
Looking back at my mom's photo leaves me pondering whether painting was my destiny all along. Growing up on the farm embedded in me a problem solving, inventive spirit at a young age. Peppered with a tenacious work ethic and a desire for perfection (of which the later was unattainable on the farm), I embarked on my painting carreer in March of 1984. I am always thinking of fixes to problems. After enduring the housing crash of 2008 and a sciatic complication, the idea of a bucket holder took form, and I’m so glad it did.
the bucket buddy standard
Embrace the craftsmanship and ingenuity of Jimmy Eberly’s Bucket Buddy Clip® to revolutionize the way you tackle your painting projects.
behind the product
The Process
The Bucket Buddy Clip® was born of over 60,000 hours of experience. Throughout his 40 years as a professional painter, Jimmy developed a few tricks for streamlining the process. When it came to painting from the bucket, he needed a way to keep it more secure, with easier access, while allowing both hands to be free.
From simple sketches and epoxy molds with handmade springs, to draft after draft of 3D prints, Jimmy's dedication to quality is evident in every aspect of the Bucket Buddy Clip’s® design. His process was meticulous, ensuring durability, function, and ease of use.
Why we stand by it
Field Testing
Each iteration of the Bucket Buddy Clip® was field tested by Jimmy Eberly himself, along with his most trusted colleagues. As handy as it was in its early stages, he refused to bring this product to the market until it tested perfectly. Every element - the shape, carabiner opening, and clamp system - were tested through the rigorous and challenging situations Jimmy knows well as a painter.
“My hope is that this invention transforms the painting experience, empowering painters through a simple and affordable tool that enhances productivity, eliminates cleanup, and elevates their work. ”